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We Love to Hear From You

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    Our Office Address

    Office Location:

    Queen Elizabeth National Park
    Mweya, Kasese - Uganda

    Talk to Us:


    The Uganda Carnivore Program is a small organization, based in Queen Elizabeth National Park. We are a team of committed individuals working together to improve the existence between the carnivores and people living in and around the Queen Elizabeth Conservation Area. While the scope of our work varies, much of our current energy and focus is on capacity building among the local communities we work with in Uganda, carnivore monitoring, rescue operations, and mitigating human-carnivore conflict.

    Whether you’re a member of the media, a prospective donor, someone looking to do an experiential tour while on your Uganda safari, or are interested in learning more about our work, we would love to hear from you! Take a moment to fill out the contact form above. Please note that you might not hear back immediately due to our very busy schedules. We will, however, do our utmost to respond as soon as we can.

    Please also note that we do not currently have a volunteer program, research, or staff positions available. If, however, you are a tourist interested in a lion-tracking experience or nocturnal predator tour, please contact the Uganda Wildlife Authority who will help you arrange time with us. You may either book through them directly at the Mweya Visitor Center during your visit, or contact them via their website. Your tour guide can also contact UWA to set up a visit with us prior to your arrival.

    ​We look forward to hearing from you!